My summer of socks has died. I just haven't been able to complete one sock, nevermind a pair. I do have one almost finished (just at the toe decreases) and while I had that on hold and started the first sock (I always knit the second socks first, to avoid second sock syndrome), my kittens discovered my needles. Needless to say, my Brittany Birches 2.00mm needles need some sanding and reshaping. That brought me to a halt, and I just haven't started going again. I know I will be finishing these socks, and I will be knitting many more, but for the moment, it is a sockless summer.
I did get some good news yesterday. I have been accepted by the local college into the Library Technician program there. It is a two year day program, and I will get some credit for the course I have finished as well as the one I am currently taking. This is a really good thing. I needed the boost in my moral, which has been flagging. I also need the training to get a position so that I can be the major bread winner in my family. I want to be able to support my youngest daughter and myself, should anything happen to my husband, and I want to build a life for myself. Who knows what will really happen, but I am not looking at the darker side of things today, and that is a really good thing!
Now, I am off to finish clue 6 of MS3, and start the Bee Fields Shawl. The kit (check the kits in the online store section) arrived yesterday, and I am itching to knit it.